Friday 20 May 2011

Drinking Report

Last night first things first, we went to the Furze Wren, a nice little pub with some pretty barmaid who always races to serve me (it's because I stare intently at her and make conversation so she wants me to sit down quickly).

I drank one beer in there, and then Kels decided she wanted to buy some dress or something, so went to the shop. The men stayed in the pub for a little while to finish our drinks and then went out to smoke and to retrieve Kelly. Eventually we found her, she'd been to HMV to buy Buffy Season 2, instead of a dress as she are previously claimed. Thus proving, all women are compulsive liars.

After that, we went to the Wrong 'Un, which is alway packed on a Thursday with the hipster/scene kids or whatever they're called that go over to Club Sushi, which is a terrible little place full of hipster/scene dicks.

So, we have another beer, then decide to go over to Sushi, because Ollie won't shut the fuck up about it. A side note - as I went to the cash machine to withdraw a little money, a saw a man standing facing out of an alley taking a piss. Luckily, I averted my eyes before I was really scarred.

So, we go Sushi and find out that Ollie apparently hates the place, he only goes there because they have a good beer garden he can smoke in, and to remind himself how much he hates the place. Apparently. He is also proved a liar, when immediately he starts dancing and really enjoying himself. Can't trust the Chinese either.

On the note of his being Chinese, it was also pointed out he has more to his eyelids than Nathan, which is weird, because Nath isn't Chinese.

Anyway, so we had a few drinks (thanks for those shots, Kel!) and I realised that basically everybody in there was exactly the same people from when I had last been there 3 years ago. Had more drinks to help this fact, before Nathan and Kelly needed to go to the Cash Machine again. Did so, saw Phil heading to Sushi. Unsurprising. He was there 3 years ago too.

Got back from ATM, and Nathans ID didn't scan in properly, so our Anderson lookalike of a bouncer manhandles him out the door, and since Nathan drops a tenner somewhere, and isn't allowed to pick it up, he struggles back and eventually is held against the railings, being half choked as the bouncer summons the police. We get the tenner back.

Basically, whilst this was all happening, I was slowly rolling a cigarette with a look about me that says "This guy is hardcore, once this cigarette is done rolling, you are well done for"

The police obviously don't give a fuck about anything that's gone on, so we move onto the Kings arms, where we spend the rest of the evening in peaceful drinking and in my case wondering whether being fit is a job requirement for barmaids, or i'm just attracted to women who give me alcohol.