Monday 14 January 2013

Dom does Noir - Part 1

My first words this morning were colourfully expletive, swiftly followed by another as it dawned upon me that I may as well sell my body for dog food, my soul already having become so crushed within the cogs of the machine that I cannot enjoy the simple pleasures of a snowy January morning.

As I made my way down the road. I tied my hat to my head and lit up a cigarette. The smoke coming from my mouth mixing with the fog and snowdrops. I already knew it was going to be a long day.The skies were a dull grey as I trudged my way up the hill to the bus stop. I could feel slush creeping into my shoes, dancing around my toes. I needed new boots. Problem was, I didn't have no money for new boots.

Work had been shit lately. I was hoping that it would pick up this year.

My name is Dominic Ellis, Esquire, solver of mysteries, finder of lost things and occasional lover of beautiful women and this is my story.


I got on the bus. Looking out the window of the bus, the sun was just rising. It didn't help my mood much. The real problem is, I just can't get no sleep. Not since seeing my partner -and friend- Lord Jack 'The Knife' Roem get taken down. Jack comes from a big family, somewhere up north. They've got money, but his heart is only interested in adventure and romance. And Politics. They called him 'The Knife' 'cause of his sharp wit, not any special propensity for bladed weapons, which is a shame because he ended up getting a blade in the gut from a Turkish Sky Pirate.

Yeah, they're a thing.

I look at the time. Yeah, there's time. I get off the bus a few stops early. Walk into the hospital. I hate the smell of these places, they smell like stale disease and old people. I hate old people, but I haven't seen Jack for a week. I should have brought flowers, but then again, Jack might have got funny ideas. Heading to the ward, I see a pretty nurse. Give her one of my famous smirks. I can almost hear her heartbeat increase. I'm good like that. 

Walking into my partner room, i'm greeted by a pleasant sight. Jack's awake and he's got another pretty nurse leaning over him, changing his dressings. It's a pleasant sight for both of us, but I  have to ruin things.

I cough to draw attention to myself. "Hello, Jack."


"Dom." Jack said, looking up at me from the bed after his nurse hurried out of the room. Dom's a nickname I've been called for a long time. I'm not going to tell you why, but I will say it's not just an abbreviation of my surname. 

"Jack." I replied, looking him over. I've got a little medical training myself, and I could tell he was still feeling rough. He would never admit that to me though, so he heroically sipped on a glass of port the nurse had left for him. It was after all, winter.

"Her nipples were hard." he said, breaking the emotional ice, if not the physical substance that covered the window panes of the hospital room.

"I know. I was looking when she left." I nodded. I found small talk enjoyable, but I quickly moved onto the business at hand, "So, this Ottoman moll who shanked you, you get a good look at her?" I asked him. He shook his head in the negative.

"Sorry, old boy, but I was a bit busy passing out from pain." he explained in a wary tone. "Besides, I thought that was something that you would be doing, seeing as you were supposed to be watching my fucking back". I grimaced, feeling ashamed.

"Sorry about that." I smirked, after regaining my composure. "I was a bit busy watching the moll who got you's back." He shook his head in frustration, but I could tell he was tickled pink inside.

"You are absolutely indefatigable, Mr. Ellis and would you stop calling her a 'moll'  It is not the bloody 30's and she was an absolute savage, hardly what you would call a 'moll'! You can't even get your bloody anachronisms right!" he said, and then followed up before I could respond with "Fortunately for you, I did catch the name of their vessel. It was the Mary Celeste."

The Mary Celeste. I recognized that name.. but from where?

***** TBC

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  1. Comments and Criticisms would be very much appreciated!
