Saturday 10 July 2010

It's been too long.

Hello old friends, it's been far too long I know and for that I apologise. Unfortunately my excuses for my absence are much less exciting this time but maybe a bit more believable for those of you who for whatever reason did not believe my time travel story.

So, Dominic fans I hear you scream "Why? Where have you been? What caused you to abandon us?"

Well, there's no need to be so dramatic is there now? Well, yes I will be the first to admit I have been gone for far too long and without the slightest bit of a warning. The reason for this is simple and twofold. Let me tell you what I have been up to.

Firstly I have a job! Yes, I am no longer the unemployed dolescum that you so love, I am employed in a role other than that of diety. Yes, I am working... as a Telesalesman! It keeps me in the cash and is so simple I can do the job and (more importantly) be better than all of my work colleagues without effort. In fact, I believe if I worked at my maximum output for one day only I could single-handedly double the amount of sales that the company makes. Unfortunately for RPA I do not yet feel like bankrupting the competition as that would mean I would no longer be required - after all there would only be one company to buy all your computer and audio related goods from, thus negating the need for a sales team.

As I have mentioned, I work for a company named RPA Distribution (or River Pro Audio) who can be found here. Please take a look, we have the lowest prices in the whole of Europe for the quality of product we produce. Now, me being me I shall give a rapid run down of my work colleagues. We have Joel, who is the Managing Director, and semi-retired. Just under him and doing most of the running of the business now is Adrian. Then we have Adam, the advanced salesman who looks really like one of my old flatmates at Uni. On my team itself we have Dom, which is me who you should really know by now. Then we have Brad (Millwall fan, just got ahead of me in sales, temporarily), Kim (Chinese), Katie (Annoying voice, nice person).

We also have a guy and a dog in the warehouse, but we shun them as is only right.

So yes, now I have given that summary of work, I shall explain the other reason for no blogging. Poor Lappy seriously hurt herself and had to go to hospital, so I had to use the slow computer upstairs and couldn't be fucked with it. See happy now? I'll try to update with more important stuff in future. Jeez.

P.S This took the longest of any post of my life because I was distracted for like half an hour chasing a fly around my entire house. I was determined to catch it but the little bastard evaded me and eventually managed to fly out the window :(

1 comment:

  1. Glad you took care of that fly in the proper manner.
