Saturday 19 June 2010

I'm back!

So, I know I said I would be updating this daily, but seriously i've had a pretty busy couple of days. Now this is probably the time when any other blogger would explain that he got a bit drunk, went to a few house parties, maybe even make up some lie about being swarmed by beautiful women so being unable to get to his computer (though I should note at this point, any mention of beautiful is entirely fact - chicks dig Dom)

So, yeah where do I begin. Basically I was on the way back from an enjoyable visit to a close personal friends house on Wednesday when I saw the air shimmering in front of me. Now most people would blame this on drink or drugs or whatever, but it is a well known fact that I am entirely T-total. In fact if anyone so much mentions Alcohol to me I run away screaming in terror. Well, actually that's a lie, as a Domist a have a massive appreciation for all forms of Alcohol (except Strongbow which does... strange things it me)


So, I was trying to get past this shimmer when some sort of crack in the pavement made me slip. I woke up and found myself in a small town, no phone reception, no computers, no nothing. I asked around to find out where I was. Luckily, I could speak the local dialect and I found out I was in the town of Nazerath or some sort of foreign name like that. I spent a few days chilling there, slept with some kinky little thing called Mary and whatever then woke up on the pavement as if i'd simply slipped. It was however, now friday. I gave Nathan a call, and stoic as ever he offered toletme come over and drink beer and watch football with him whilst I recovered.

I would have written this last night or earlier but I was so devestated by the football result and the discovery that the world is now massively different, that I thought i'd leave it a little while. Turned out that little whore Mary blamed God for impregnating her instead of telling her husband the truth. So yeah. I'll try to keep up in future.


  1. It took me a while to get where you were going with that....nicely done!

  2. you worry me, this imagination is running wild.
